Page 192 - ما میتوانیم
P. 192

In addition, due to the  increasingly awarded rewards of this high school  across all the
               research arena, worldwide festivals ,the numbers of  scientific papers published in globally
               academic  centers,  achieving  the  internationally  Olympiad    medals  and  Quranic  and
               Islamic teachings, in the December , 2015 during  a conference on the more fundamental
               change over the realm of pedagogy of the ministry of the education an acknowledgment
               memorial under the title of the most glorious Asian high school alongside a session with
               the accompaniment of the education minister, the prime minister and the other officials
               and academic communities awarded  to this glorious high school.
               Up  to  this  time,  the  achieved  950  national  medals  and  more  than  180  worldwide
               medals belong to this grand academic center, that is; 27 percent of the whole country
               medals, is the gift of this morally and scientifically-driven center dedicated to the Islamic
               guardianship-directed land of Iran. No high school over the Asia continent is able to reach
               these worldwide medals.

                  Younis submarine is perhaps that big fish which saved the prophet Younis from
                   the whirlpool of the disasters .Have you read the verse of “And {mention} the
                                   man of the fish when he went off in anger…
                 Ensheghagh missile, Saher and Homa unmanned aerial vehicles, are likely to belong
                    to those sex and color: maybe in the state of: the verse: when the sky is cleft
                  The Allameh Hali is ready to flight from the depth of the seas to the boundless
                                   sky and this is what our leader demands us:

                          My dears, my young persons, be a positive revolutionary

                  and the history is proud of you. You must be aware of what comes next.
                   If you are ready to be in the struggle mode, the future welcome you.
                       Iranian young person is talented, gifted and aware of anything

                                                                                  FOR TOMORROW
                                                                              6   A training elite narrative during
                                                                                  the half-century
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