Page 193 - ما میتوانیم
P. 193
A training elite narrative during 5
the half-century
chemistry, computer, biology, electronics, mechanics, astrology, art and humanity
supervised by the experts and some of these projects sent to the Kharzemi festival in
each, based on this, more striking achievement Allameh Helli high school. The upshots of
this exhibition encompasses the inventions and creativities as follows:
1. Younis submarine in 1998 (the first submarine made by Iran and also known as a
student-driven project)
2. Quadcopter M2 (the first student-created four-motor flight apparatus with fully
invented controlling systems)
3. Ensheghagh missile (a missile with the speed of 20 km made by students)
4. Air filter tower as an strategy for air pollution of Tehran with 89 percent efficiency
5. Active carbon achieving from the shell of the almond
6. Creating the self-cleaning surface nanomaterial
7. Oil and gas tube fault-finding searching robot
8. Visual encryption
9. Brain tumor and heart failure intelligent recognition
10. Ghadir 24 airplane designing and manufacturing
11. Pencil recycling machine from waste paper
And hundreds of the distinguished projects at global and national scale.
Further, the Allameh Helli high school students’ two projects published in internationally
scientific journal, Elsevier, over the past years. This is the first time to which the students
of a high school were able to publish the student paper in this globally well-known
authentic journal over the 53 Elsevier seminars through submitting two papers.
It should be noted that the more recent technologies and inventions used in the researches
with respect to the coastal regions by the scholars throughout world publicized by Elsevier,
the globally largest provider of scientific resources and more than 30 billion people use it.
Finally, over the 2017, the first student UVA called Saher unmanned aerial vehicle
designed and created by the gifted and talented student of this high school which visited
and shown to the target group by, Ismaili, commander in chief of air defense base and
commander Fazli.