Page 197 - ما میتوانیم
P. 197

                   A training elite narrative during  1
                              the half-century

                                                In the name of the most high

                     In the year of the movement to offer the services to the
                     publics and through expressing our gratitude toward
                     God, as the promise of Lord over the victory of the
                     individual follow the right path along with prophets›
                     directives and infallibles› recommendations fulfilled.
                     We delighted as the glories of the dear students of
                     national organization for the developments of gifted
                     and  talented  students  within  national  and  global
                     scientific  competitions  made  this  more  glorious
                     high school to be high-ranking across the Asia high
                     schools. To show our sense of gratitude toward the
                     serious  attempts  of  the  management  in  providing
                     the proper route upon the growth and progress of
                     these dear students in the sixteen non-stop activity
                     of this educational center, I agree upon the forming
                     of  the  glories  hall  of  Allameh  Helli  high  school  as
                     permanent section within the more glorious history
                     of  the  gifted  and  talented  students  Islamic  Iran
                     and national organization for the developments of
                     gifted and talented students› records. Undoubtedly,
                     the  eye-catching  achievements  of  these  promising
                     laminating  sparkles,  regarded  as  the  harbingers
                     of  hope  for  the  more  interested  thinkers  of  the
                     new generation which, in near future, they are the
                     founders of the scientific sovereignty of the country
                     and  the individuals who form the new era of the
                     distinguished Islam ideology.

                                                         Javad Ezhei

                                               Cultural consultant to the president
                                             and the chair of national organization for
                                         the developments of gifted and talented students
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